Perfection is a short film that follows the development of an Asian-American girl attempting to meet her mother’s expectations as a child, and later her own high standards as an adult. Writer/Director Karen Lin uses the Milton Bradley game, Perfection to illustrate the pressures the main character is under to succeed. Lin continues to return to the game and its timer to build tension throughout the film. There are no words, but the message is heard loud and clear. The film progresses nicely and there is an effective crescendo to the climax, but many people would like to have the main character’s problems, such as becoming a great violin player, a scholar, and a successful career woman. The position of privilege and status make it difficult to feel empathy for the main character, but I can appreciate Lin’s effort and recognize the talent of a director that wants to do something meaningful with her films.
Chuck’s Grade: B
Adam’s Grade: N/A